(every) Sunday
Williams & Bailey
507 Grand St, Brooklyn, NY 11211-4394Get the chicken sandwich and a fresh baked pretzel.
511 Grand St, Brooklyn, NY 11211-2788Drink until you can't feel anything.
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Williamsburg 1st Date
Maison Premiere
298 Bedford Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11211Start off with a cocktail and oysters to ease into things. If things don't go well- no big deal, tell her you've got to get up early or something and move on. If they're going well- grab the check and tell im or her you've got a surprise in store.
149 Broadway, Brooklyn, NY 11211Walk over to this romantic cocktail spot and, if things are going really well, get the Chef's tasting (a relative bargain at $65.00).
UES Brunch & Prep
Jones Wood Foundry
401 E 76th St, New York, NY 10021Go for a traditional english breakfast at this underrated English Gastropub on the UES. If you're lucky (and in the mood for a pint) you can time your visit with some solid premier league action. God save the queen.
Joe Coffee
1045 Lexington Ave, New York, NY 10021-3252Get some beans for the week & a cup for the afternoon.
Fairway Market 86th Street
240 E 86th St, New York, NY 10028Get your food shopping done at one of the only reasonable markets in the neighborhood.
Brooklyn Options
St. Anselm
355 Metropolitan Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11211Try and get a table at this place. If you're lucky enough you're in for a serious treat.
Fette Sau
354 Metropolitan Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11211If they don't have room, don't worry- you're in great hands getting a heaping BBQ platter at this rustic smokehouse.